We Are All Going to DieI have just heard the news that we are all going to die. A meteor, I think. Some kind of global catastrophe. Wherever that meteor is going…Dec 27, 2022Dec 27, 2022
I Have One Big Dog and One Small DogThe verdict is in and the rumors are true: I have two dogs, one big and one small. Hogzilla (big) is a Great American Fiendish Longhound…Sep 18, 2022Sep 18, 2022
Things I EnjoyThings: they are what we do most of the time. Sometimes things are not going great. Other times, things are going as smooth as Spider’s…Nov 9, 2020Nov 9, 2020
I Always Say Hello To BirdsI don’t know when I became “that guy.” You know, the guy who says “hello” to birds.Jul 2, 20201Jul 2, 20201
CirclesAgainst my doctor’s orders, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. A big part of thinking is noticing, and it is easy to notice things…Mar 2, 2018Mar 2, 2018
A Letter To My Son (A Robotic Robin Hood I Built That Decided It Would Rather Be a Pizza Chef)My boy. My shiny metal boy.Jan 25, 2018Jan 25, 2018
Ways That I Have Been Introduced“Now here is the only man I know who looks dumber with glasses on…”Dec 25, 2017Dec 25, 2017
Who Am I, You Ask?Thanks to meet you. I am Richen Buttery. I work at the school in town, where I do all sorts of work. You could say that I am sort of a…Nov 1, 2017Nov 1, 2017
I Am The Spider ManHello, ma’am. Please, do not be afraid. It is only me: the Spider Man. No no, not a spider man. THE Spider Man.Aug 15, 2017Aug 15, 2017